Saturday, November 13, 2010

Don't Believe The Hype ~ Job Hunting "marketing opportunity" Whistle Blower Blog

This is the first time I have ever blogged, so please excuse me if I do it wrong.
This is how it is... I think that possibly someone should go ahead and tell the community what is out there if you are unfortunate enough to not only be out of work and want to work, but you are also naive normal trusting people just like us, who believe the Hype.
     I am a so-so Internet Savoy American girl.  I am just like most people.  I try my hardest to find the best in everyone, no matter what, no one is pure evil like you see in comic books and movies, where it is easy to distinguish good from evil.  Nothing is that Simple. When you are out of work, that is when you find the worst of the worst. You get contacted by scams,and slave laborers who can't understand why it would be such a problem to work for free.
    Donating your time to a charity because it is the right thing to do is one thing, donating your time to a business who claims to be the next best thing and has "Unlimited Earning Potential" is another. Get rich quick schemes are darkly coveted and hiding under wonder descriptions like "Office Managers needed Now! Starting pay base $800-$2000 weekly."  Gosh, sounds good especially when they name a well respected telephone and Internet company in the title.  You actually think that (ha ha yeah, stupid to think that is possible, but when you are really hungry and out of frikken work, it sounds like a dream come true to a Marketing Hero.. and his trusting wife.) It is a possible scenario.  Well. It isn't.  At least not until after you scam at least 10 individuals to work for free walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors, buying equipment and cell phones,clothing to be embroidered and spending at least $20 out of pocket every day to drive into rich neighborhoods to sell products that most people have had the opportunity to buy over the phone for at least 6 months. More Later......